AM – People Need to Receive the Word: Gideon Bibles Transform Lives

Guest speaker Lex Jones, NZ Director of The Gideons International, talks on how people need to receive the Word when they are in need of hope. He shares testimonies of people's lives changed because of The Gideons New Testament Bibles. 90 million Gideon Bibles are given away per year worldwide, which continue to transform lives.
The Gideons now offer a Gideon Bible app that gives access to the New Testament in 1,200 languages, including the 'Scripture Help Pages' that the Gideon Bibles are famous for. Encourage those in need of hope to download it for free from the iPhone and Google Play stores.
Also, check out their website for how to support them in prayer and financially:

AM – Reflections on Motherhood

Mothers' Day Message
Humerous and honest, Naomi Olivè seeks to encourage mothers by sharing her reflections on motherhood, it's joys, inadequacies and trials. She also shares with sensitivity her experience of pain and healing after having an abortion. Naomi's call to women is, "Be women that build each other up, not tear each other down. Speak life over each other. Get alongside each other. And men, get alongside the women in your life - they need it."