AM - Sharing our faith
/This week Pastor Rob was speaking from our mission statement, which can be found in detail here!
Weekly Sermons...
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Faith comes by hearing
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This week Pastor Rob was speaking from our mission statement, which can be found in detail here!
God’s tangible presence was very strong during the worship of this service.
This message is Ps Rob's response to having just experienced God's presence. He tells of a service sometime around 1995 when God’s presence manifested as a tangible cloud inside the Risk Church auditorium and creche.
Ps Rob then goes on to encourage us to keep seeking God’s manifest presence as individuals and as a Risk Church family.
Ps Kaye takes us through 2 Timothy chapter 2 where the Apostle Paul encourages Timothy to take on 6 attitudes that are crucial for overcoming as believers. Paul illustrated these attitudes with pictures such as soldiers, athletes, farmers, etc. Ps kaye preaches on why these 6 attitudes are still vital for us in these last days.
Even when the Apostle Paul was in prison, his witness and confidence in Christ impacted people in the palace.
So, when persecution, sickness, depression, financial difficulty or any other crisis strikes and we feel like we’re in a prison what do we do?
Guest speaker Ps Michael Dissanayeke, Assembly of God minister in Sri Lanka, shares four powerful keys to turn your situation around. These keys will enable you to have confidence in God, trust/faith that He will turn things around, maintain a hope that is anchored in our Eternity, and have courage to face your fear.
To illustrate, Ps Michael draws on his experiences from the Easter 2019 bombings in Sri Lanka.
Courage isn't the absence of fear. Courage is the ability to face fear differently.
Safety isn't found in a place. Safety is found in a person, the person of Jesus.
In Part 3 of Developing a Biblical Worldview Ps Rob describes how to apply the Bible to our 21st Century issues that weren’t even thought about in Jesus’ day. And understanding the Bible in our 21st Century context enables us to live a life that reveals the fullness of God to a world that doesn’t yet know Him.
Ps Kaye continues a message she started on Mother’s day - God’s promises to us as we do “covenant life on this uncovenanted planet”.
PM Service: No recording. An evening of testimonies.
As part of this morning’s Mothers’ Day service Ps. Kaye delivered a brief, yet hugely encouraging message from Isaiah 54 verse 1 for mothers. And it encouraged the men too!
PM Service: No recording. Our evening service was filled with personal testimonies and messages
Today Ps Rob starts a new series ‘Developing a Biblical Worldview’. In Part 1 he urges us to understand the Word to the greatest extent that we can. Only the Word of God will prevent us from being lead astray by the World's thinking.
A day is coming when the Bible will become illegal in New Zealand, like has already happened in other nations. We must get it into ourselves - digest it - so that the Word stored in our hearts still speaks to us when the physical Bible is taken away.
In this Resurrection Sunday (Easter Sunday) message Pastor Rob reminds us how the resurrection is the pivot of the entire Gospel message. The Romans weren't to blame for Jesus’ death. We are. Our sin put Him on the cross. Jesus' teachings are important. But His death is paramount. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.
This is a ‘must listen’ for everyone who has had any exposure to witchcraft or the occult. Ps Kaye talks about how the enemy tries to hold onto us once we’ve got involved with him. But the great news is that Jesus has created a way to set you free of every hook that the devil has stuck into your life.
An evening with Prophet Alex Larson. Here is the short message that Alex shared before spending the remainder of the evening prophesying over everyone who attended.
Website of RISK Church, a member of the Assemblies of God NZ Movement. Located in Stokes Valley, Hutt City, New Zealand.
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We are a family of people passionate about learning to live a life in God, reaching beyond the comfort zone and connecting others with God. "To be a people who know God, are strong and do great exploits" is our vision (Daniel 11:32b NKJV). Yes! Ordinary people connected to an extraordinary God.
RISK Church, 23 Evans Street, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt, New Zealand / Phone +64 (4) 563 7936 /
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