In this message Ps Kaye emphasises that time is short. Her entire message can be summarised as: “We must preach the Gospel. If you love them, you will tell them.”
Preaching is our first job, employment is our second job.
You may not be an open air preacher. But all of us are called to make disciples and Ps Kaye gives us lots of great practical ideas of how to share the Gospel in ways that fit with our personalities:
Door to door
Open air preaching in Scott Court
Conversing daily with people.
If you've got a day off, go preach the Gospel rather than go to a movie.
Love your neighbour into the Kingdom
Shout a person coffee in a cate
tell people that Jesus loves them while cooking soup or baking scones
Click here to watch the YouTube live stream.
Call for Evangelism Ideas
There are so many ways we can share the Gospel.
Please come and tell someone on the leadership team how you’d like to witness in 2021.
Let’s get some exciting stuff going on.
Let’s work together as a church because you’re going to hear more preaching about it and more structure put in next year to achieve it about it.
Takeaways from Ray Comfort Videos
We also watched two short evangelism videos by Ray Comfort (see below). Here are three key takeaways:
We must help people realise that they are sinners and have broken God’s moral law.
Ray always brings the conversation around to the person’s moral state before God.
For people that we know (family , friends and neighbours), the approach will be less confrontational. But we must help them realise that they are sinners in need of God’s forgiveness through Christ.
Note: the video audio has been removed from the recording above to honour Ray’s copyright over his videos.