AM - Our Unshakeable Hope - 1 Peter Series, Part 12


The hopes of this world are being shaken by war, famine, pandemics, financial hardship and more. Furthermore, they ridicule and turn upon anyone who holds differing beliefs. In this sermon, Ps Rob continues his series through the book of 1 Peter. He helps us to take encouragement from believers who went through similar trials. Peter encouraged those harassed believers to continue doing good in order to please Christ because a hope in Christ’s salvation is the only hope that is unshakeable by the upheavals of this world.

Key Scripture: 1 Peter 3:13-17

Click here to catch up on all the episodes from this series on the book of 1 Peter.

AM – Remembering the Prophecies of Immanuel at Christmas


God fulfills His prophetic word. Christmas is that wonderful time when we celebrate the fulfillment of the prophecies describing the birth of our Saviour, Immanuel, God with us. In this message, Ps Rob takes us through some of these precious prophecies. He also takes us through some of the prophecies describing Christ and His second coming. Ps Rob concludes with the thought that, as certainly as God fulfilled all the prophecies regarding Christ’s birth, Christmas is a time for us to confidently look forward to when God will also fulfill those outstanding prophecies.

AM – Impart Life not Death


Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

This week Ps Kaye talks about how it's not the external things that we need to be concerned with. It's the words that come from our heart because we can trace what's in our heart by what comes out of our mouth. However, as Christians, the Holy Spirit empowers us to impart words that change the atmosphere in our homes and everywhere we go.

Furthermore, Ps Kaye teaches how God has also given us spiritual gifts of knowledge and prophecy to encourage others, especially those who don’t yet believe. We finished the services with two prophetic activations (the recording of these activations start at 24min). Try this one now:

  1. Go somewhere quiet with paper and a pen.

  2. Ask the Lord to give you an encouraging word and/or Scripture for someone - don’t ask who it is yet.

  3. Write it down.

  4. Now ask the Lord who He wants you to give the word to.

  5. Go give it to them and ask if it means anything to them - don’t be afraid if they say “No.” We learn from trying over and over until we begin to hear the Lord clearly. But most likely they’ll say “Yes, it does.”

Click here to watch the YouTube live stream.

AM – A Biblical Christian Marriage - 1 Peter Series, Part 10


In his letter to believers, the Apostle Peter laid out the Biblical expectations for how a husband and wife are to treat each other. In part 10 of our series on the Book of 1 Peter, Pastor Rob explores the implications for us today of Peter’s advice on marriage.

This is vital listening for anyone who is, has been, or will be married.

Key Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7

The recording begins with an anointed prayer by Ps Kaye for God to help us powerfully share His good news about Christ with others.

Click here to watch the YouTube live stream.

AM - Preach the Gospel - If You Love Them, You Will Tell Them


In this message Ps Kaye emphasises that time is short. Her entire message can be summarised as: “We must preach the Gospel. If you love them, you will tell them.”

Preaching is our first job, employment is our second job.

You may not be an open air preacher. But all of us are called to make disciples and Ps Kaye gives us lots of great practical ideas of how to share the Gospel in ways that fit with our personalities:

  • Online

  • Door to door

  • Open air preaching in Scott Court

  • Conversing daily with people.

  • If you've got a day off, go preach the Gospel rather than go to a movie.

  • Love your neighbour into the Kingdom

  • Shout a person coffee in a cate

  • tell people that Jesus loves them while cooking soup or baking scones

Click here to watch the YouTube live stream.

Call for Evangelism Ideas

There are so many ways we can share the Gospel.

Please come and tell someone on the leadership team how you’d like to witness in 2021.

Let’s get some exciting stuff going on.

Let’s work together as a church because you’re going to hear more preaching about it and more structure put in next year to achieve it about it.

Takeaways from Ray Comfort Videos

We also watched two short evangelism videos by Ray Comfort (see below). Here are three key takeaways:

  • We must help people realise that they are sinners and have broken God’s moral law.

  • Ray always brings the conversation around to the person’s moral state before God.

  • For people that we know (family , friends and neighbours), the approach will be less confrontational. But we must help them realise that they are sinners in need of God’s forgiveness through Christ.

Note: the video audio has been removed from the recording above to honour Ray’s copyright over his videos.

AM – The Carpenter Is Fashioning You Into Something Beautiful


In this much needed message after the New Zealand national elections, guest speakers Ps Michael Dissanayeke and Ps. Debbie Dissanayeke encouraged us that Jesus the Carpenter is fashioning each of us into something beautiful.

Ps. Debbie started with a word from the Lord:

  • “Look at the word of God. Look for the handprint of God. Don't be distracted by the reflection of the past. Look to the future.”

Ps. Michael followed on by preaching from the Book of Luke.

Luke 4:21 ‘He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”’

Today, each of us need to allow the Holy Spirit to begin fulfilling the things that God says about us. Today, we each need to look at the mirror of the Word and believe what God says about us. God's word is His plan for what He is creating for you and in you. Today is the last day of your past and the first day of your future.

Ps. Michael finishes with prophetic words for people who have lost their jobs and for someone who has lost the will to live.

To watch the full video click here.

AM - Calling all Christians - Vote Righteously


Who will you vote for? The outcomes of the imminent 2020 New Zealand election and referenda will irrevocably alter the moral landscape of New Zealand and affect the vulnerable for generations.

This moral crossroads is so impacting that Ps Rob and Ps Kaye have broken their two decades of silence on the subject of politics. In this message they discuss what the Bible has to say about the role of Christians in the electoral process and conclude that God is calling believers to vote righteously.

Please listen to this message with an open heart before voting. May the Lord give you insight as to how He wants you to vote.

Key passages:

  • Proverbs 14:34

  • Luke 10:30-36

  • Isaiah 1:17

  • Psalm 37:29

  • Psalm 106:3

  • Genesis 1:26-28

  • Romans 13:1-7

  • 1 Timothy 2:1-7

  • 1 Peter 2:13-17

NOTE: There is no video for this message.

AM – You are a Living Stone - 1 Peter Series, Part 6

In this message Ps Rob continues his series on 1 Peter. This week we look at why you and I are living stones. Peter says that we are built into the walls of God’s spiritual house with Christ being the chief cornerstone. What does this metaphor even mean?! And, what is God saying to us through this metaphor about our meeting and interacting with each other as the body of Christ?

Key Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-10

There is no live stream video for this message due to technical difficulties.

AM - How To Be A Brilliant Dad - Father's Day 2020

It’s Father’s Day 2020. In this tag-team message, Ps Kaye and then Ps Rob share from their experience, more than twenty life-changing tips for Dads (and Granddads). Learn how to cultivate an atmosphere of stability, love and God’s presence in your home. Bond with your children and be a godly role model that they want to imitate.

Key Scriptures:

  • Malachi 4:6

  • Romans 8:14-17

  • 2 Corinthians 6:18 (Correction from the sermon)

  • Psalm 103:13

  • Judges 13:8

  • Psalm 68:5

To watch the video version click here.

AM - Gird Up Your Loins - 1 Peter Series, Part 3

In this message Ps. Rob continues his series on the book of 1 Peter, exploring Chapter 1, verses 13-25. He teaches us - as Peter describes it - how to gird up the loins of our mind. This involves resting our hope upon the grace that is to be brought to us when Christ is revealed at His coming, and being holy in all our conduct.

Key passage: 1 Peter 1:13-25

If you would like to watch the full video click here.