Searching for Fulfillment


To whom or what are you turning for fulfillment, satisfaction, and your needs? Is it your education, job, marriage, etc? These are only resources. This week Joe Olivè draws from the Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus at a water well to remind us that Jesus needs to be our source of fulfillment.

Key Text: John 4:7-30

Click to watch the service and Joe preaching.

2 Peter Series Finale - Warning: Don't Get Caught In the Coming Worldwide Delusion


In this message, Ps Rob finishes his series on the letter of 2 Peter by explaining a serious warning from Peter - a worldwide delusion is coming. This delusion is already very evident with the current ideologies sweeping through humanity.

Ps Rob then explains Peter’s closing exhortation to live fully for Him in this world and not getting carried away by these erroneous beliefs, while looking forward to the coming day of God:

…dear friends, since you are looking forward to this [the day of God], make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him… grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:14-18

This follows on from last week’s message “Where is the Warning?

2 Peter Series 2021 - Part 11 (Finale)

New Territory


We are living in times that the Church has not experienced before. It is new territory. In this week’s sermon Ps Kaye encourages us to press forward to take this new territory rather than shrink back in fear.

“As the church, we are entering new territory and a new dependence on God.” Ps Kaye

Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

If you would like to see the full video for the whole service, click here.

Rise Above the Storm Like an Eagle & How to Pray for Our Persecuted Church Family


The world is in turmoil. A virus races across the globe as the Taliban sweeps through Afghanistan and begins to hunt down Christians and others opposed to their regime. On this first Sunday of the August 2021 Lockdown, Ps Kaye and Rob tag-team:

  • Ps Kaye expounds on Isaiah 40:31 - how to rise like an eagle above the storms and difficult times in life (including this pandemic)

  • Ps Rob follows up by taking us through several Bible verses in which the Lord tells us how to support and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

Prayer points will be circulated this week.

Ps Kaye also extends a lockdown invitation to stay in touch. If you want to chat for any reason, even just to talk about a Bible verse, send them a text and they will arrange a time to video chat.

Click here to watch the entire service on YouTube

2 Peter Series - Stand Firm with a Pure Mind Against Scoffers


Ps Rob now enters Chapter 3 in his series through the book of 2 Peter. In these Last Days we are seeing many scoff at the existence of God and the fact that He created everything, just as they did in the era of the early church. Nothing has changed! In Chapter 3, Peter encouraged the early believers to stand firm against those scoffers by having a pure mind that is focused on the truth of Creation and God, and not corrupted by the lies of the world. And Ps Rob encourages us to have that same pure mind in our era.

2 Peter Series 2021 - Part 9

What is Biblical Faith - It's Belief Plus Trust


In this message Andrew Ward takes us on a deep dive into the subject of faith. With practical every day examples, he explores questions such as “What is biblical faith?” “Why do we please God with this kind of faith?” “What do we actually mean when we use phrases like ‘walk by faith and not by sight’, and ‘have faith in Jesus’?”


…the heart attitude of confident, settled, unwavering belief that God will empower us and fulfil each promise He has made to us combined with utter trust, reliance, or dependence upon the person of God to actually empower us and fulfil those promises.

Key Passages

  • Hebrews 11:6

  • Mark 11:22-24

  • James 1:5-8

  • Proverbs 3:5-8

  • Psalm 9:10