AM - Building Our Faith Part 2 - We Need People
/A discussion about the importance of building our faith in these times, and some steps to help us do that.
In this second of two powerful sermons, Ps Rob talks about how we need people to build our faith. God never intended for Christianity to be done alone. We are part of the household of faith. and called to be connected into the Body of Christ. As living stones, we shape each other as we rub together.
He also elaborates further on the importance of praise for building our faith.
Ps Rob’s challenge to us: Are you allowing God to shape you? Are you allowing God to connect you with people? People build faith in us. Are you connected into the body of Christ?
Key Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 20:3-12; 2 Timothy 1:3-6; 1 Peter 2:5
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